Spring inspiration

March 18th, 2024

By Helena Touhey

From the editor ~ March/April 2024

Dear readers,

As a New Englander, you’re supposed to love all the seasons equally. But I’ve never loved spring. A sentiment which, I know, is a sort of blasphemy around these parts. For me, spring is a restless season, when I yearn for lazy beach days and leisurely evenings spent outside on my balcony. Instead, I usually find myself battling allergies and attempting to shake a chill from never-ending damp days.

There is, however, one saving grace of the season which I have learned to love: the daffodils. Suddenly, they are everywhere, all at once, transforming winter greys into fields of yellow, the first signs of color returning to the landscape. Even the moodiest of days are made better by their presence, and I can’t help but smile as I see daffodils all around the island, their numbers now upwards of one million blooms throughout Greater Newport.

When it came time to craft this issue, I wanted to highlight things that inspire, from local people making cool films, to places to go on a date that are actually fun (an idea sparked by a conversation while getting my hair cut at Lily + Lion Salon; thanks, Nicole!), to people around Newport County who are continuing to support Ukrainians as their country enters a third year of war (the children featured in Jared Kolok’s story might be the most inspiring of all). And inspiration gives way to innovation, which we see in the kitchen at Mother Pizzeria, where there is sourdough perfection, and in the expansion at Newport Craft, where a four-and-a-half yearlong project has increased not just production but the brewstillery’s capacity for hosting events and community gatherings.

I hope as you read these stories, perhaps while enjoying pizza and beer, you’ll feel a little less restless for summer and little more inspired this spring which is, as they say, the season of rebirth.

Until May,


Managing Editor

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